NT Non Terable Visiting Cards

NT Non Terable Visiting Cards

NT Non Terable Visiting Cards
NT Non Terable Visiting Cards

Personalised card with a professional look.

  • Dimensions – 89 x 51 mm
  • design options – 4000+  available
  • Spot UV Finish – To add Spot UV effect while designing templates, ensure that the ‘Raised Print’ option is turned on for the relevant text field or image by clicking on it.
  • Orientation Horizontal, Vertical.
  • Paper stock -​NT Non Terable
  • Paper Quality Standard, Premium.
  • Corners – Standard.
  • Size – Standard (3.5″ x 2″)

Create a unique professional identity.

Getting customers starts with getting noticed. With tons of options and a team of expert designers, we make it easy to create a look that’s hard to miss. Come up with your own custom text, choose an eye-catching finish and make an impression on anyone holding your card.

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